Mount Disk with All User Access to read or write on disk external

Setting up Samba on your Ubuntu 20.04 for share file to other windows OS

Note: Due to RAM limitations on the Raspberry Pi 3 and earlier, we now recommend ALL users use Neblio with a Raspberry Pi 4. Any Raspberry Pi 4 model should work, the models with more RAM are more future-proof for running Neblio.

Virtual Network Computing, or VNC, is a connection system that allows you to use your keyboard and mouse to interact with a graphical desktop environment on a remote server. It makes managing files, software, and settings on a remote server easier for users who are not yet comfortable with the command line.

If a user no longer needs an account, you can delete or remove it, depending on the type of Google service your organization has. As an administrator, you can transfer the user's data to another user, like an admin or manager.

PM2 is a daemon process manager that will help you manage and keep your application online 24/7